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Brand Identity

Brand Identity

Building a Comfortable Tomorrow

We combine our knowledge of humanity with state of art technology to build a new future.

A new future where Comfort Intelligence™ enables vision to become possibility; where connectivity is the new reality.
HCE is the foundation of a better tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s comfort begins at HD Hyundai Construction Equipment

  • Comfort Intelligence™


    Creating Solid Beginnings for a Comfortable Tomorrow


    Global Leader in Smart Construction Equipment Ecosystems


    Building a Comfortable Tomorrow



Brands change the world and HD Hyundai Construction Equipment creates brands. Our driving force is the self-confidence originating from our belief that we can make a positive impact on our customers. HD Hyundai Construction Equipment strives to understand the lifestyle of its customers, which is based on their own philosophy and methods. It is this “passion for customers” that is naturally important in driving the process of trying to understand them, ultimately enabling us to enrich their lives.

This “passion for customers” is the fundamental value of
HD Hyundai Construction Equipment.

pursued in order to provide products with meaningful interpretation and context for the customers’ lives and to be a natural explanation for a better life, not just marketing activities of meaningless exaggeration and simple sales of product and service. Hyundai Heavy Equipment will work hard to make an emotional connection between our brand and our customers by making greater efforts in the future. HD Hyundai Construction Equipment will strive to understand the significance of brand in the customers’ lives and in what context it can give energy to their lives and propose values to the customers in a natural way.


  • “Confidence and integrity”

    HD Hyundai Construction Equipment will pursue “considering customers with sincerity” as the highest value in all thev alue chains in order to earn the trust of our customers.

  • Pragmatic

    The utility value of customers is maximized by providing new and diversified services “pragmatically” This idea based on the pursuit of the principle that more customers should be able to use better products and services at reasonable prices, products which can become an integral part of the customer's lifestyle.

  • Quality

    The basic direction of HD Hyundai Construction Equipment is product reliability based on “quality”.
    We strengthen HCE’s basic competency and the entire Value Chain,
    including development and production, makes efforts to realize quality management.

  • Innovative

    We consider how to achieve “successful innovation” for the happiness of our customers.
    HD Hyundai Construction Equipment can be named an “innovative company”
    when something new is linked with value.
    We will continuously conduct activities
    that change the value and satisfaction felt by our customers.

  • Futuristic

    HD Hyundai Construction Equipment is preparing
    for the future to support the advanced lifestyle of the customers.
    Please look forward to the future
    prepared by HD Hyundai Construction Equipment to provide more new value.

  • Customer-oriented

    Quality is a key factor when customers make a purchase,
    but they do not consider quality alone. We givegreater priority to satisfaction with value than the price.
    The criteria for value judgment should be the “customers” themselves
    in order to provide higher quality and greater value for the price.
    We will become a company that thinks
    “for the customer and with the customer”.

  • Passionate

    HD Hyundai Construction Equipment will approach customers “passionately”
    to increase the experiences with customers
    who support the values pursued by HD Hyundai Construction Equipment.

Value proposition

Construction equipment and material handling solutions
trusted by customers by proposing sincere value.

  • We yearn to be trusted by all our customers and partners around The world.

  • We will support our customers' lifestyle in positive ways.

  • We will earn The trust of customers by offering customized products and services that satisfy theirdiverse needs.

  • Out sincere efforts on behalf of our customers will eventually enable us to gain their trust.

  • All values pursued by HD Hyundai Construction Equipment are based on sincerity toward The customers.

Dear customers! How can I help you?



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